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Information about the different brushes

  1. The pen works like a normal pen. You can change the thickness and the shakiness.
  2. The stamp draws lots of shapes on the canvas. You can choose from 4 different shapes (circle, triangle, square and nevergon). You can also choose the size of the shape.
  3. The path tool allows you to draw paths made up of points connected together via lines. You can choose the size and thickness of the path.
  4. The eraser is an eraser. The thickness can also be changed.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key What the key does
1 to 8 Change the brush colour
q w e r Select a brush
] Increase brush size
[ Reduce brush size
. Increase shaky hand / Next stamp shape
, Reduce shaky hand / Previous stamp shape
Backspace Clear the canvas
m Switch between dark mode and light mode
s Save your art
? Open the documentation

Some ideas that didn’t make it